Monday, February 28, 2022

Why this book is written

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Vijay Kumar Katiyar
Deputy Director, JTRI, UP

Why this book is written?

                        The first and foremost question arises here, you can say a million-dollar question is arise here that why this book has written by me? There is no doubt that each and every success is the result of the consolidated efforts of the persons affiliated with you. Even though each and every incident is the result of multi causes but there are four basic reasons for writing this book. these areas below- 
  1. To conquer over himself
  2. To conquer over English
  3. To conquer over propositions and notions of the subject.
  4. For making a little contribution to the system

1. To conquer over himself:-

            I was born in a small village Rohini situated in district Kanpur dehat, Uttar Pradesh, India. My family belongs to a lower-middle-class, my father is by profession is a farmer. I grew up in the air and water of green crops, vegetables, very huge fields, gardens, ponds, canals, etc. The spirit of freedom was always within me because I grew up in the lap of nature. The frequency of thoughts and imagination was good within me because the livelihood of farmers is very uncertain in India, and farmers are very good dreamers, agricultural crops mostly depend on the weather. Your dreams can be broken at any time, as a farmer due to natural disasters. Before me, in my village, there were no class II or Class I officers, even there is no Advocate or law graduate in my village. It is very true that you can survive without clothes, the house even without religious faith, but you cannot survive without food at all. It is also true that the farmer is the creator of the food but in spite of this the respect of the society towards formers is nill in India, most of the Indian people think that profession of the farmer is a secondary type, they are ready to give preferences to a fourth class Government employee, but the people of India are not ready to give proper importance to the farmers. As a son of the farmer, it was a big challenge to conquer over himself and insert virtues in his deeds which has been acquired by me as a son of a farmer in the lap of nature. After becoming the judge and serving over 10 years in different capacities, I have got the opportunity to impart training to judicial officers and other duty holders. This part of life encourages me to prepare a future deed and this book is the best example to conquer over himself.

2. To conquer over English:-

               I have already told you that I was born in a rural area of India, The person like me is habitual to surviving with fewer resources. In my, there was primary school conducted by the Government, at that time in the way back 1981 even though there was a primary school in my village but unfortunately, there was no building at all. The classes had been held in the open sky or in the shadow of the tree but in spite of zero infrastructure the teachers were very good, they were trying their level best. The course and teaching of Hindi, math, and arts were very good, but they're no place for English. Students of the school were not able to speak even a single word of English. I was also not able to speak even a single word of English in those days when I was studying in the village primary school. After completion of primary, I have got admission to the Inter college nearby town Sikandra in the sixth standard. The students of the entire village go to the college on foot, even college was very far away from the village, I was also one of them. I remember those days, my parents made me wake up early in the morning because in the morning each and every child contributed to the agriculture field, then after they are able to go to school. But we are very happy in that situation and happily go to school daily. In schooling up to 12th the medium of instruction was Hindi. We can read English like a primary student but are not able to understand the meaning without the help of Hindi translation. After completion of graduation, postgraduation, and law graduation my English was improving day by day, but I am not very fluent and conversant in English. After ten years of my service, I have got the opportunity to impart training to the judicial officers and other stakeholders, this time my mother Institution JTRI give me the opportunity to conquer over English, and finally, this deed is the best example of my journey towards conquering English. But I am still trying to conquer over it.............

3. To conquer over propositions and notions of the subject:-         

         The enactments in this respect are much more complicated because the drafting of the Suits Valuation Act,1887 and Court Fees Act,1870 is very difficult, you cannot understand simply. For the writing of this book, the “Subaltern approach” is being adopted by the Author by which complications could be avoided. It means that very simple terms and sentences are used while describing provisions of the enactments to make it understandable for the readers without consultation with a dictionary. It is well known that provisions of the Suits valuation and Court Fees Act are applicable to the whole of India. It is noteworthy to mention that a particular State for the sake of convenience has made several amendments, hence it is not feasible to cover the amendments of all States of the Country. This Book is dedicated only to the State of Uttar Pradesh as well as Uttrakhand with all recent amendments. It is also pertinent to mention here that this book would deal with the provisions of Suits valuation and Court fees in respect of subordinate Courts as well as Hon’ble High Court of the State of Uttar Pradesh & Uttrakhand.
                  The propositions and notions related to Suits Valuation Act and Court Fees Act have been described in a very easy manner and with simple and practical illustrations. When we entered in legal profession either as a judge or as a lawyer on the civil side the first hurdle is how to make suits valuation and how many court fees have to be paid. As a new entrant, we are not able to get the support of seniors, this book will help you certainly, This book is based on twelve years of practical research, therefore, on my side, this deed is the journey of conquering over propositions and notions of the subject.

4. For making a little contribution to the system:- 

           A very good quote from the unknown scholar is"Common people think that hey; Country what can I take from you, but a wise people think that hey; Country what can I give you" The first part of the quote denotes the power and authority, but the rest part of the quote denotes about the responsibility and duty towards nation or system. each and every person is duty-bound to contribute in his area of interest by which system can work properly. It means a strong and wise person makes a strong wise system and the last strong and wise system makes a strong and wise nation. this deed is a little contribution to the system by which I should discharge my constitutional duties. If a single word of this deed helps you in any manner in your day-to-day working then it will be an obligation upon me. 

Why did other states of India & foreign professionals purchase this book?

            As you know we are living in a global era, in another word we can say we are living in the era of interdependence. I would like to suggest two reasons which say that this type of book should be purchased.
        The first reason, as you know some countries of the word are developed but some are developing. there are Civil litigations are pending in different countries, some countries have legislation regarding Suits valuation and Court Fees but some have but not work properly and some do not have. In the respect of Suits valuation and Court fees, India has very old legislation, for the comparative study or for the purpose of research you can take the help of this book. In India availability of books like this, in this respect is very less in number due to the complexity of the law. So you can take help for research purposes. The professional of other states who are working as a consultant of any MNC in Uttar Pradesh, they can take the help of this book in civil litigations.
            The second reason is we are living in a global village, there are several multinational companies of the other countries working in India, there are several litigations are pending in the court of law you working as legal consultants and helping through law firms. I think this book will certainly help you. 


       This book has been published worldwide on the date of 17.02.2022. We are getting a very good response from readers of India and well as other countries, several copies of this book have been sold till now thank you very much for showing love and affection. This blog is being read continuously across the world, I think more than thirty-six thousand people have been read this blog. I hope this book will establish a milestone in the legal world. I will wait for your response you can comment or send me your suggestions, if any, in my mail



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